sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Filosofía de vida Adif

22 de Diciembre 2010. Trayecto Vigo-Santiago, o Santiago-Vigo, qué más da.
'Oh, that conversation was just superficial; this is what you really want to know'.
'What love is?'
'Yes. And why you can't seem to get over losing it.'
Arthur felt his heart beat faster on hearing this truth, 'Do you know? Can you tell me? And no numbers please.'
Fenchurch scratched her earlobe and sparks crackled at the contact. ' I can tell you what love means, dictionary-wise, all the synonyms and so forth. And I can tell you about endorphines and synapses and muscle memory. But ardour's resonance in the heart is a mystery to me. I'm a computer, Arthur'
Arthur hid his disappointment with the traditionl brisk rubbing of hands and stiffening of upper lip.
'Of course. No problem.'
'I am made to live for ever but you are made to live.'
'Isn't that a Sirius Cybernetics Corporation slogan?' said Arthur, frowning.
Fenchurch heated two pixel clusters to affect a blush. 'It might be. All that means is that an entire company of advertisers think you will believe it'
'Ah. No answers, then.'
'Only questions.'
'I thought we dind't know the big question.'
Fenchurch examined her own fingers. 'The big question is different for everyone. For me, it's the half-life of this ship reactor. I'm not actually made to live for ever, that's just a slogan.'
'And what's the answer to the half-life question?'
'I don't know. Bloody thing is touched by godly magic. It should have stopped ten thousand years ago.'
'So no answers for you either?'
'Talk is just talk, isn't it?'
'Sounds like it'
And Another Thing-Eoin Colfer pp.169-170 (Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, part six of three)

¿Qué tiene Diciembre que me desconcierta año tras año?

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